Pregnancy & Childbirth

Pregnancy is a unique and powerful experience. Enormous physical, hormonal and emotional changes take place over a relatively short period of time. The body has to adapt to carrying up to 20lb of baby, waters and placenta, which can impose physical strain on all the organs and tissues.

Osteopathic treatment during and after pregnancy can be beneficial in a number of ways:

Easing some of the physical discomforts of pregnancy

Preparing for the demands of labour

Helping the mother to recover after birth

Discomforts of pregnancy

Considerable postural changes are necessary to accommodate the increasing size and weight of the uterus.

At the same time, hormonal changes cause ligaments all over the body to soften and stretch in preparation for labour. Any pre-existing back problems may make it more difficult for the body to adapt. This may result in aches and pains in any area of the body and have implications in preparing for the demands of labour.

Treatment after Birth

After giving birth, the body has to recover from both the changes it made during pregnancy and from the effects of delivery.

New mothers may suffer from aches and pains, and sometimes feel quite traumatised by the labour experience, or ‘out of sorts’. The mother’s pelvis is often pulled out of balance by the passage of the baby, particularly after a difficult delivery. This may have long term health implications.

Call us to book your appointment or simply book online