Books For Sale

Osteopathy for Children
Understanding Infant Colic

Osteopathy for Children £3.00

By Elizabeth Hayden

This book explains simply and clearly how osteopathy can be of benefit to babies, children, and mothers during and after pregnancy. The book is easy to read and well illustrated, and gives a useful understanding of Osteopathy for parents and health professionals.

Understanding Infant Colic £2.00

By Clive Hayden

This is an easy to read guide to the management and understanding of this complex and common problem affecting young infants. In it are discussed the various types of infant digestive disorders that fall under the 'colic' umbrella, such as reflux, lactose intolerance, infant gut irritability, allergies and sickness. This useful guide also discusses various treatment approaches and management strategies both orthodox medical and osteopathic. Essential reading for all parents of affected infants.

Postage for each book is an extra cost of £1.00.
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