Effective From 1st July 2024, our fees are:
Senior Osteopaths
Neil Hayden, Clive Hayden, Liz Hayden, Hans Carpani, Clare Pitman
Adult New Patient Consultation
Adult Follow up Treatment
Child New Patient Consultation
Child Follow up
Associate Osteopaths
Becky Hall, Laura Wheatley, Olivia Unwin, Ros Heath, Steve Hines, Suzy Croskell
Adult New Patient Consultation
Adult Follow up Treatment
Child New Patient Consultation
Child Follow up
Mummy MOT with Suzy Croskell or Ros Heath
Massage Therapist
Emily Boulden
Massage therapy 60 minutes
Massage therapy 30 minutes
Pregnancy Massage 60 minutes
Pregnancy Massage Taster 30 minutes
Reflexology Initial consultation (60 minutes)
Reflexology Follow up (30 minutes)
Taster Massage Session (30 minutes)
→ Payment
Appointments should be paid for on the day of the treatment. We accept cash, credit and debit cards (apart from American Express) and Apple Pay.
→ Private Health Insurance
If you have private health insurance then we request that you pay us direct and the reclaim fees paid from your insurance company. As a practice, we regretfully have deregistered as BUPA and AXA providers due to their unreasonable terms and conditions.
→ Cancellation Policy
Please give at least 24 hours’ notice if you wish to cancel your appointment, this helps us accommodate those who may be waiting. We reserve the right to charge the full fee should you miss your appointment without letting us know (except in exceptional circumstances), this is at the discretion of the Osteopath. That said, we will usually go by the following guidelines:
First missed appointment: no charge
Second missed appointment: 50% of fee due
Third and further missed appointments: Full fee due